In our inaugural (pure coincidence… not planned, but apropos no less) episode of Jennifer & Kate Give SOULicited Advice “How to Keep the Small Stuff from Turning into Big Stuff” we have a question from a viewer in Washington State.

“How do you keep from storing up the little stuff? …the little annoyances about living together that add up to resentment or just passive aggressiveness.”

Our answer: use your words.  You have to be willing and able to step into uncomfortable conversations with your partner to build and maintain a healthy connection.  In our video response we talk about why that’s scary, what might happen when you don’t, paying attention to your triggers, and using I statements.

Watch it here!

Mentioned in the Video:

  1. Center for Nonviolent Communication Needs Inventory & Feelings Inventory
  2. I Statements (aka The Secret Formula)


SOULicited Advice E1: How to Keep The Small Stuff From Turning Into Big Stuff