We’ve been sharing our stories with you for years and you’ve told us you value our perspectives.  Now we’re excited to offer an opportunity to apply those perspectives to YOUR stories.
Jennifer (Left) and Kate (Right) in a prop Photo Booth. Jennifer is wearing a cream colored sweater with asymmetrical collar, heart shaped red sunglasses, and holding up a black paper mustache on a stick. Kate is wearing a floral dress, wearing white heart shaped sunglasses, and holding up two pink hearts on sticks; one in front of each eye.
Jennifer (L) and Kate (R)

We offer “SOULicited advice” (perspective and recommendations, from the heart, when it is asked for) about connection (with self, family, friends, relationship partners, children, neighbors, friends, co-workers, bosses, etc).  While question of all types are welcome, the answers/solutions are going to come in the form of our individual lenses (Jennifer – mindfulness and vigorous self inquiry, Kate – non-violent communication and radical self acceptance).  

Jennifer tends to be a straight shooter – she can quickly and intuitively identify patterns and core issues and isn’t shy about sharing her insights.  

Kate always knows “what to say” – she can apply compassion to any situation and help you figure out to communicate in a way that is both kind—and effective.

In our first season in 2017, we answered questions weekly in Facebook Live broadcasts. The archives are available on our blog.

We have several options for submitting questions.  Take your pick!

Anonymous Submissions:

  • Voicemail 323-989-ASK5

Less Anonymous Submissions:

  • Comment on a Facebook Live feed
  • Send either of us a private Facebook message (links to our pages: Jennifer & Kate)